Saturday, September 26, 2009

WHY? are probably thinking what is he on about! But this is what I am and what I live.

I am a Countertenor. Born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I have spent the last two years living in the UK singing with Truro Cathedral Choir. I am now back in Canada and trying to get the Singing Career Started!

Now the next thing you are probably thinking is what is a Countertenor? A countertenor is a male singing voice whose vocal range is equivalent to that of a contralto, mezzo-soprano, or (less frequently) a soprano, usually through use of falsetto.

The most common place to find countertenors today is with a Men and Boys choir. As there are no women to sing the Soprano and Alto parts the boys sing soprano and a few of the men will sing the alto part, these men being countertenors.

Unfortunately, finding a choir of men and boys is getting harder and harder outside the UK. However, in the UK the tradition of men and boys choirs is starting to fade. In Canada we are down to 2 men and boys choirs. Canada use to have many of these choirs all over the nation and they were thriving. I would like to try to re-establish this tradition in Canada and try to save it before we lose them altogether. This will unfortunately be a extremely difficult task but one of my goals on my way to a career in music.

What will happen? I don't know.....stay tuned to find out I guess....


  1. Dude: I'm trying my best. I've already worked in both of those places!! Believe me, I could use the help. Oh wait - I already have your help because you sing counter-tenor at CCC. Well, you know what I mean. I might add though that people at Grace Church-on-the-hill will take issue with their choir being forgotten as one of Canada's remaining M/B ensembles. That's why I always refer to the number of such choirs in Canada as "fewer than five".

  2. Welcome to the blogesphere Jaime. Looking forward to reading more.
