Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today I had a day off from the day job. I work retail to support the music side of things. So with my spare time, between running around on errands, the work on repertoire begins. I have a good rep already but I really need to work on more stuff. As much as I have it is pretty limited in what I could be doing. So the work on the big stuff begins; the big Handel stuff, the Bach Oratorios and Passions, and time to dig out the Purcell too. Loads of stuff to do, but worth it. When am I going to find the time!

Last night was signs of things starting to pick up. I went by one of my old choirs and spoke to the director about singing with one of his other choirs. He said I should really sing for him, because he might be able to find me a little solo work. This is not in the bag at all but definite progress and would be a big boost for me.

I will be working away now at trying to get in with all the contacts and see what's available. The more work the better.

...this could be hard work!


  1. hurrah. i'm an errand ;o) after you mentioned this, I couldn't NOT come read it, could I?


  2. Once you get the rep together, and can record it - send a copy my way - I'll find you gigs!

    Also - get in touch with Dan Taylor - he's not far away from you (often teaching at University of Ottawa) and I bet he'd be eager to give you a coaching or two - especially if he saw potential.
