Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's been Ages!

Sorry Guys, I know it has almost been a month since my last post, but we all get busy sometimes! I have been doing a lot of singing including an NAC pops concert. Which, after doing, I realized was a massive waste of this Countertenors time, especially as I was singing bass! The things we'll do for a paycheque. My voice felt destroyed after doing 7 straight days of shouting bass to try to cover some of the riff-raff around me.

On an exciting note, I have totally gotten myself into the modern world with the purchase of a Blackberry. This thing is amazing. I love it. But I guess I'm kind of still in the honeymoon period of day two. It's so much cheaper to operate than the slider phone I had on Pay and Talk. Why did I ever think that $75 in three weeks was going to be a good deal! Now I have free texting and virtually free calling. So much better.

Tomorrow is a big day at CCC. Big music at the morning service and Durufle Requiem in the afternoon. The morning service will include:
And I saw a new heaven - Bainton
Behold, O God, our Defender - Howells
New Jerusalem - Ager

Unfortunately with big music like that we are doing Darke in F. But I'm willing to make that sacrifice for the rest of it!

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